Ask any bush doof veteran what they absolutely must bring to any doof, and they’re likely to have just one answer for you: earplugs.
Earplugs, really? Yes, it does sound a bit ironic, doesn’t it? Why would you need earplugs at bush doofs when you’re there to listen and dance to loud, rad beats in the first place?
Well, those rad beats can well and truly blow your eardrums. And while music festivals typically last only a weekend, hearing loss can last forever.
Potential hearing loss is real at bush doofs
The human ear is a delicate instrument. Deep within our ears are clumps of sensory hair cells, which allow us to perceive sound. These hair cells are susceptible to damage when exposed to high levels of noise. You may lose your hearing temporarily if you are subjected to short bursts of extremely loud sound. But if the exposure is gradual over time, your hearing loss can be permanent.
Earplugs protect your ears from music-related hearing loss
Trust the veterans when they say you need to bring earplugs with you when attending bush doofs. Earplugs can block out sound up to around 40 decibels, depending on the type. It’s good
There are actually two types of earplugs you need to bring at doofs. One is a music earplug, which reduces noise without degrading the quality of the sound. Music earplugs can let you enjoy the beats without letting the beats drum your ears into oblivion. The other is

What to look for in music earplugs
No earplugs are created equal, so you have to be careful with the earplugs you buy. For music earplugs, it’s always best to look for high-fidelity ones. High-fidelity plugs will let you relish the exact tonal quality of the sound you’re listening to while keeping out the ear-damaging noise.
Among our favourite music earplugs in Australia are:
What to look for in earplugs for sleeping
Earplugs can also make a huge difference in your energy levels and how you endure a days-long doof. For a few sweet hours, you can shut away the noise enough for a snooze. Earplugs for sleeping come in different types – disposable soft-foam, mouldable silicone or wax, or reusable plastic. Always choose the type that fits your ear canal most snuggly. And since sharing is caring, buy a whole pack of them so you can share them with your mates at the doof.
Check out our favourite sleep earplugs (not in Australia, but available online on Amazon or eBay):
Trust the doof veterans when they say you need to bring earplugs with you on a bush doof. Earplugs are your best friend at any of these shindigs. They will save your ears from excessive noise and let you enjoy the music for years and years to come.