Elysium Gathering [Nov] (Victoria/NSW border, Australia)

Official website | Photo Gallery | Tickets | Add To Calendar Friday 15 Nov 2019 noon - Sunday...

Story time with Patrice – Woke Kids at Burning Seed

A special guest contribution from the AMAZING Patrice Young... During my burn I was genuinely curious as to what...

A young Berliner’s first Aussie Bush Doof…

If I had to describe my first bush doof experience in one word, I'd probably choose 'intense'. Originally coming...

Festival No.23 [Feb] (Victoria, Australia)

Festival No.23 is a new, electronic music and arts festival in the Macedon Ranges. Run by the crew...

Fake Emergency declared by Victoria Police at Wild Horses Festival

As the result of a massive police blitz, more than 60 people were processed for drug related offences during a police operation...

Exclusive chat with a Doof organiser: Luke from Elysium Gathering

A couple of months ago we had the pleasure of connecting with Luke from Elysium Gathering. We discussed Doof...

Return to the Source [Nov] (Victoria, Australia)

Return to the Source22-25 November 2019Music // Arts // Culture // Camping Return to the Source is heading...

What’s Chi Wow Wah Town All About?

Apparently “just a bone’s throw from Melbourne”, the three-day wonderland Chi Wow Wah Town pops up tomorrow. Woof woof!

3 Days of Eating at a Doof: What to Pack to...

What’s with folks keeping their delicious doof dinner ideas on the down-low?  After seeing too many friends subsist on...

The first ever banned TEDx talk – Graham Hancock’s ‘War on...

We all love TEDx and the variety of interesting content, but did you know there is a TEDx talk that was BANNED?...

Burning Hearts and Soothed Minds: a Post-Seed Reflection

Disclaimer: I do not write on behalf of the burner community, nor am I a spokesperson or member of an affiliated committee....