We all do it.
Procrastinate on getting all ambitious and creative and fit and fab and mentally on fire…at least until festival season’s over.
Because, well, drinks and other things. Dust. Too many poutines. Lack of sleep. Etc. No point in starting this mega wellness plan before a 5-day endurance party, right?
Maybe not, if you’re only planning on attending run-of-the-mill festas.
But doofs and transformational festivals are a different breed. In fact, it’s pretty clear that a huge undercurrent of the scene thrives on mind-body-spirit wellness…whatever that means to you. You’ve probably noticed it if you’ve cared to venture down into The Lotus Temple or the more peaceful corners of our beloved summer doofs.
In these spaces, there are luckily a ton of things you can do that are actually really, really good for you.
Hey, who said partying and wellness couldn’t go hand in hand?
Get a healing session.
So many people forget that doofs are hotbeds for healers, masseuses and other wonderful godsends. Back in town, a deep massage or therapeutic chat will cost you a bonza. Here, at this magical wellness oasis in the bush, you can get a much cheaper session, sometimes even for free. Don’t suffer in silence on the last day if you’re feeling done. Go and get yourself healed! (I have personal anecdotal evidence to support this advice.)
Do morning yoga in the sun.
Whether your yoga practice is lagging back home or you’ve never tried a downward dog in your life, a yoga space at a doof is the place to be. Sessions are typically free and held in the mornings, with real-life qualified facilitators, fit folks and all-round positive vibes. Yoga is a relaxing and restorative way to energise your mind and body for the day ahead. The science on yoga actually points to the practice as a potential vehicle for positive neuroplasticity. In layman’s terms, yoga enhances the part of your brain that makes you open, creative and relaxed. Perfect qualities for enjoying a doof to the max!
Enjoy the effects of a tech detox.
Unless you’re someone with excellent service coverage or you can’t have a day away from taking snaps for Insta, you fall under a very fortunate category of doofers: tech detoxers! Having a few days away from staring into a screen or even just being on logged in online has a myriad of positive benefits for human health. These include improved relationships, deeper sleep and better mental health. Research shows that Aussies spend a third of their days in front of a screen. So enjoy the doof’s capacity to transport you back into the real world!
Load your body with vitamins.
Whether via a fresh green smoothie from a food truck or the Vitamin D emanating down from the sun’s rays, doofs are a great excuse to fix up any nutritional deficiencies. Plus, if you’re planning on partying hard, it always pays to have some multivitamins on hand so you can stock up on your B, C, magnesium and whatever else you think might help your body function at its best. Make use of the vitamin-laced electrolytes, water and healthy brain boosters available at almost any official doof tent!
Up your cardio like mad!
I’m ashamed to say it, but I probably get more exercise during doof season that at any other time during the year. Why? Because I dance so much! Not only that but I tend to make huge walking rounds through the campsite and while venturing from stage to stage. This could just be wishful thinking, but I reckon all the exercise you get at a doof has the potential to kick-start your cardiovascular fitness in a very real and pleasurable way. No time away from your fitness regime needed at all!
Chat with folks who nourish your soul.
Finally, I believe that doofing offers the opportunity to connect with some really awesome people and develop life-long friendships that support and heal the spirit. It’s a sweet change to converse with strangers outside of the capitalism paradigm, and away from our existing social groups back at home. So take advantage of it. Exercise your social skills and experience the newfound confidence that comes with meeting and greeting a range of different sorts.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if we came home from doofs feeling better than when we arrived? Granted, some activities might get in the way of this, depending on where you sit on the ‘getting loose’ spectrum.
But if we remember to take care of ourselves, our mates and make use of all the ways that doofs actually improve our sense of well-being, there’s no reason why this can’t be a possibility.
What are your go-to wellness activities at doofs?
Let us know in the comments below!