Bhakti Goode, more popularly known as DJ “Bhakti The Nectar Cow” is a talented artist and sound healer. He is brilliant in a wide scope of musical instruments but his specialty is playing bansuri woodwind and harmonica.
Bhakti studied in India during his early years and from there he started training for conventional Indian instruments and incantation chanting. He uses continuous time of learning in front of an audience with yoga sessions for an inspiring, touchy experience.
Bhakti is most famous for his very nervy beats, blending extra velvety wonderful music, with common essences, live instruments and tunes with careless dance floor rhythm.
He is a resident DJ at Cardamon Pod in the Gold Coast and you will catch him there every weekend. You may have already seen him perform at this year’s Earth Frequency Festival in Ivory’s Rock SE QLD, and in other events such as Cognitive Roots and Tropical Bloom. You will find him at this year’s Nunyarra Culture Festival to be held on 13th -15th of September.
Currently, Bhakti is going after several independent projects. Even so, he’s been very privileged to have the opportunities to do some collaborations with the finest artists in the industry such as Liquid Bloom, Lub Dub, Desert Dwellers, Beatrix, Oka, Birrang Mill to name a few.