Eve Olution performing "Element of Fire" Live. Her various characters are portrayed during the live sets of Kalya Scintilla, leaving audiences in awe of the many faces & many stories woven inside her embodied archetypes.Ogden TheatreKalya Scinitilla Song title: Mystic FlameVisuals: Pickles Visuals evokationSacredArt.com
Eve Olution is a universally renowned Storyteller, Performer & Theatrical Director. She inspires an interesting style of theatre inside deliberate ritual welcoming the listeners into a living background of ethnic wisdom secured in folklore. With her preparation in homophonic theatre, Eve has alchemized customary theatre methods with developing themes of stereotypical analysis that are instinctively woven all through her exhibitions. Through committed exercises and educating of average vitality, her aesthetic center is in delivering these live fresh transmissions to bring out rejuvenation, stimulation, and purification to the gathering of people. Following quite a while of exercising her ability into this artistic expression, Eve inhales unmistakable enchantment with each execution.
Eve carries with her a broad foundation in theater which started at a young age. Her energy has been dependent in established classical performance just as an emphasis on different artistic expressions from societies around the globe. With broad training in various kinds of plays, direction, performance art and production, her way rapidly ended up committed to this work of art. The motivation of her coaches and incredible instructors of this field led to her finishing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Performance and immediately after began her very own Children’s Theater. The following years she discovered her way toward the west coast and submerged herself into a flourishing art community. She started joining art celebrations here and there and with her new found inspiration to further her craft, she spearheaded the creation of performances that would have impact to the lives of these people. The energy to make and serve this small community this manner had turned into her central goal and commitment. Presently she ventures to every part of the globe offering her heart and devotion to the empowerment of those eager to understand her work.
Eve is persistently discovering transpersonal mind studies, legend, old stories, supernatural theories, execution, and the rejuvenating arts so as to incorporate herself totally in what she educates and offers through her masterful expressions. As a course for the dreams she gets, she dedicates to presenting these transmissions with the intent of healing, awakening & activation for every one of the individuals who come to observe. Eve is forever thankful for the unbelievable number of women she has teamed up with and generally commits her motivation to make this theatre center to them.
EFF2019 Lineup Recap !! With our 3rd music announcement dropping last week, things are looking quite epic for the music journey next festival. Here's a recap of the lineup so far, and we have our final music announcement coming in November to round things off! 💚🌿2nd round tickets moving fast .. jump in now to lock in your place at EFF2019!! ⇢ https://bit.ly/2NUH8AHCloZeehttps://soundcloud.com/clozee Dub FX Livehttps://soundcloud.com/dub_fx Luigi Madonnahttps://soundcloud.com/luigimadonna Desert Dwellershttps://soundcloud.com/desertdwellers Sonic Specieshttps://soundcloud.com/sonicspecies Marvel Yearshttps://soundcloud.com/marvel-years-official Electrypnosehttps://soundcloud.com/electrypnose The Upbeatshttps://soundcloud.com/theupbeats HypoGeohttps://soundcloud.com/hypogeo Kalya Scintilla with Eve Olutionhttps://soundcloud.com/kalyascintilla Spoonbill Ensemblehttps://soundcloud.com/spoonbill Grouch in Dub Bandhttps://soundcloud.com/grouchnz Nanoplexhttps://soundcloud.com/nanoplex-1 Truthhttps://soundcloud.com/Truthdubstep Merkaba with Eve Olutionhttps://soundcloud.com/merkabamusic Birds of Paradisehttps://soundcloud.com/birdsofparadise Deya Dovahttp://www.soundcloud.com/deya-dova Dov1https://soundcloud.com/dov1/ Matiu Te Hukihttps://soundcloud.com/1looper-1shot-1love-album Hatzlerhttps://soundcloud.com/mathiashattingishatzler Kromagonhttps://soundcloud.com/aragon Ben Codahttps://soundcloud.com/bencoda Hypnotechhttps://soundcloud.com/addictech-records/ jossie Telchhttps://soundcloud.com/jossie-telch kLL sMTHhttps://soundcloud.com/kllsmth The Strideshttps://soundcloud.com/thestrides Whitebearhttps://soundcloud.com/hwitebear Tetramethhttps://soundcloud.com/tetrameth The Librarianhttps://soundcloud.com/the-librarian Fabio Lealhttps://soundcloud.com/z_fabioleal Liquid Bloomhttps://soundcloud.com/liquidbloom Thankyou Cityhttps://soundcloud.com/thankyoucity Smilkhttps://soundcloud.com/smilkmusic Hugo & Treatshttps://soundcloud.com/treatscast Safirehttps://soundcloud.com/safirebba griffhttps://soundcloud.com/griff Doppelhttps://soundcloud.com/doppelau Pspiralifehttps://soundcloud.com/pspiralife bumblehttps://soundcloud.com/bumblebeatz Bass To Pain Converterhttps://soundcloud.com/basstopainconverter/ Cheshirehttp://soundcloud.com/cheshire Purple Hayeshttps://soundcloud.com/purplehayesmusic Xsetrahttps://soundcloud.com/xsetra 2Dogshttps://soundcloud.com/hydrofunk-records Victor Yhttps://soundcloud.com/victoryclique Megapixelhttps://soundcloud.com/mega_pixel Murray Kylehttps://soundcloud.com/murray-kyle Volkienehttps://soundcloud.com/volkiene Mood Swing & Chevy Basshttps://soundcloud.com/moood-swing ZigMonhttps://soundcloud.com/zigmon-bassicrecords Eartheogenhttps://soundcloud.com/eartheogen Surgehttps://soundcloud.com/levisurge Paul Abadhttps://soundcloud.com/paulabad PsymonsmiGGlehttps://soundcloud.com/smiggle-2 Elbowhttps://soundcloud.com/welbo Z.I.Vhttps://soundcloud.com/ziv-k/splendourinthegrass18 Butterzhttps://soundcloud.com/butterzmusic Jesse Kuchhttp://soundcloud.com/open-records LoaThe 4'20' Soundhttps://soundcloud.com/the420sound Fat Picnichttps://soundcloud.com/fat-picnic Trickboxhttps://www.soundcloud.com/trickb0x Doehttps://soundcloud.com/doeadj Tranceducerhttps://soundcloud.com/dj-tranceducer Birrang Miil Mobhttps://soundcloud.com/birrangmiil Mickey Spacehttps://soundcloud.com/mickeyspace Mapstonehttps://mapstonemusic.bandcamp.com/album/tribal-nation Duoshttps://soundcloud.com/duos/low-slung-hooners-vol-1 mIDiumhttp://www.soundcloud.com/midium Jesswah & Friendshttp://www.soundcloud.com/jesswah Heavy Mix KartelB-Sydehttps://soundcloud.com/mr-b-syde APRÓ + Wilmahttps://soundcloud.com/apro_au Freestyle Mafiahttps://soundcloud.com/beanstalkrecords Skurgehttps://soundcloud.com/skurgeovdacity Toruspherehttps://soundcloud.com/torusphere Christian Kerrhttps://soundcloud.com/christian-kerr iShhttps://soundcloud.com/11-11ish Shalliehttps://soundcloud.com/shalliecampbell Selecta Savagehttps://m.soundcloud.com/emerjyza Malcolmhttp://www.soundcloud.com/dj-malcolm-mcintosh
“Unveiling the mysteries through her heart her every move her every breath Pulsating with Passion, undulating in ecstasy She devotes her being to the awakening of every cell of every inch of her body for she knows these molecules are the keys the keys to the ultimate liberation and when they unlock their codes she is the connection to the infinite… for within her is the earth, the sun, the moon and all of existence…she is the key she is the portal of Divinity” –Eve Olution